NE Exclusive:Mungatana is DEAD Broke,his properties in Mombasa AUCTIONED

We are getting this exclusive gossip about the former MP and assistant minister that his pockets are currently running dry. Its so bad Mungatana propertie had to meet the auctioneers wrath after he failed to pay debt owed. The Makuri/Makini auctioneers walked upto Mungatana's office in Wakiande house 4th floor which houses Jitegemee sacco..... Meru Road. Later on the auctioning was done outside NSSF building on Nkrumah Rd. According to our source,the operation was kept a secret as most people didn't know it was the former minister's stuff on sale. The office was left empty and upto the time of publishing this,the office has been dormant and unoccupied.

The former minister is not only famous for eating crocodile's meat,but he also have great appetite for fine women,currently married to former miss world Cecilia Mwangi

And KTN's Mwanaisha Chidzuga

With pleasures comes responsibilities. Things are thick fir the Garsen man. Will he jump yhe huddle? Time will answer that.

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