Residents of Nyeri town have been left in a beyond shock state after a confession from one of the many mutura vendors in the town. The shocking confession which Samuel Gaithu made during a drunken stupor previous evening has landed him in trouble with his loyal customers who ranks him as one of the best mutura cooks in the small town,popularly known as Githee confessed that he usually after cleaning the animals intestines which are used in making of African sausage or mutura he performs sexual acts on them terming it as extra cleaning.

The shocking confession came after he was pressured by the peers to state why he isn't married not even a girlfriend and at that point he unleashed the most shocking news saying in the drunken that he doesn't need a woman if he can get the satisfaction somewhere else. Githee's Mutura joint is said to ne popular with customers always appreciating the taste of his mutura terming it distinctive but unknown to them he has been withholding a dirty trick up his sleeves.

After the story spread out,the angry and disgusted residents decided to take matters into their hands and gave him a beating and forced him to eat the raw intestines. He was however saved by the police who whisked him away from the blood baying mob,they however warned the police to never release him ever or risk getting killed. His stall was completely vandalised. But the sad reality the residents don't wanna imagine and live with is the fact that at one time they might have taken the"ingested mutura"


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