Apostle Anselm Madubuko is not having sticky fingers when it comes to giving her woman the best. The series of weddings and ceremonies that have been happening and was projected to cost sh.1b slowly is living to the estimates.

From the traditional wedding in Baringo to church wedding at Safari park which also had helicopter landing the bride to the grand church wedding in Nigeria.

Followed the honeymoon to undisclosed location

That wasn't enough,she got herself a gift while at it

To wind everything up before finally starting their lives together,a grand Thanksgiving dinner was held in Nigeria,both families came together to celebrate and wish the new couple well.

Entrance to the dinner set

The couple making the grand entrance match

Emmy Kenyan family getting jiggy jiggy

Then it was time to pose with her Kenya and Nigeria family. Notice her father in wheelchair and mum

Here they are enjoying some intense moments

She is now gone and fully Nigerian Mrs.Emmy Madubuko

Photos courtesy.


  1. Now get to know how to make yam fufu not mursik

  2. Girl....you are totally blessed.
    God is Great.

