Fraudsters continue to advance their techniques taking any single opportunity to fraud the public when a loophole looms.

Mike Sonko known for being philanthropic to the public has been a soft spot zone for the conmen out to dupe the unsuspecting public members into fleecing their money.

The use of social media has it's shortcomings and many public figures have fallen victims to online impersonators who create fake profile pages and use them in duping the public.

Mike Sonko has then been a major casualty. After several reports to the Facebook administration to shut down the the fake profiles no positive has been forthcoming prompting the senator to seek justice in other venues which in this case is the CID.

The letter he wrote to the CID exposes the names of the impersonators who have been on the conning mission and they include:

JOSEPH OBONDO- 0724946652

The main character who created and is running a fake Mike Sonko profile. He dupes the public that he is the senator's personal assistant a claim that the senator himself refutes. He makes one believe that he has the ability to secure a job after which he will ask for a fee in essence the conning is underway.

Daniel Kariuki-070342555

Joseph Obondo-0726947427                                                     -0724946652
Stephen Biko-0725390319

Click on the letter below for more detailed information          


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