Mbugua Mwangi and Rosemary Wahito were amongst those who lost their lives to the bullets that rocked Westgate mall on 21/9.

Mbugua who was also s nephew to the president were caught up in the mess and according to reports,he had successfully escaped the building,on reaching outside he realised Rosemary the fiancee wasn't with her.

Despite the deafening and frightening gunshots doubled with the merciless gunmen shooting anybody on sight,Mbugua despised all the dangers and went back in to save her fiancee who was trapped inside.

Having traced and found her already shot,he tried carrying her to safety.

Unluckily the gunmen caught up with them and he tried shielding her away from them,but they with no hesitation sprayed eight bullets into his back while covering Rosemary.

In essence he took the bullets fir the fiancee,but the damage was overwhelming and both succumbed while holding unto each other.

The two lovebirds were posed to tie the notes and had even purchased wedding attires according to friends. A traditional wedding was due and he had already visited the fiancee's family who gave them the blessings and go ahead.

This being the case,the family decided to allow them go together by burying them in the same place.

On Friday Mbugua and Wahito were buried in his rural home in Ichaweri village in Gatundu, Kiambu County.

The unique thing about the send off is that their bodies were both dressed in their wedding attires a symbol of the love they shared and they ought to go with.

If this isn't love then what is it.



  1. This has to be the greatest love story. Im folowng the story fm Zim and i feel as if i know them. U died a gentleman Mbugua, u were loved Rose.RIP til we meet in the Rapture.

