After several Weeks of battling,crazy workouts and facing stiff competition from various groups for the sole price of sh.1million,the competition reached it's peak.

Sakata season 4 brought together hundreds of dancing groups from across the country but only six made it to the final round.

The six brought out their creme game on the finals and on then the moment of truth reckoned,the evalast dance crew from Busia emerged the surprise winners.

The votes from the judges were as follows;

1. Evalast -38
2. The Band -35
3. Limbo -35
4. lgiza- 32
5. Yawa -32
6. Titans- 29

Everlast Dance crew has an humbling background from Busia rehearses from Busia Airstrip primary school since they cannot afford Gym subscription. The leader of is also an excellent stand up comedian .They started off way back in Busia catholic church.

