Residents of Narasha in Naivasha are grasping with reality following an incident involving one of the tenants mounting a dog.

Incident happened on Monday evening,according to the land lady whose dog was victimised he caught the 23 year old man who has been a tenant in his plot for the past six months,pants down committing the bestial act.

"I was alerted by my daughter who said "sissie" her dog was making weired sounds from Simon's house and that's when I rushed in to find out what was going on,the dog was for sure making unusual sounds." Says the lady.

"I peeped in through the door crack and saw him on his knee poking my dog"

"I quickly but silently called other neighbours to come and witness the bizarre"

"surprisingly he was so consumed in the action that he didn't notice that he was being watched"

"we then stormed in when we found two used condoms and he was putting on the third" narrates the lady.

Simon Kinyua the culprit was dumbfounded such that he didn't flee rather stood there still as a robot. He has been served with an eviction notice. The dog unfortunately died under unexplained cause but the lady attributes it to Simon the beast.


  1. i am wondering whats is the problem with kikuyus behaviour mara punda,kuku nguruwe,monkeys,turkeys,their own daghters, and now the worst ,the dog.something must be terribly wrong somewhere

    1. Their grandmothers too before you forget

  2. As usual made up stories,don't you ever get bored?

