CDF JULIUS KARANGI Defends KDF Against Looting Claims,Says Officers Were Sanitizing The Place And Only Took WATER To Drink

The army has lately become the nerve centre of criticism going by the looting show the officers put up in the shopping mall.

The ugly scenes which were captured on CCTV cameras with army officers engaging in massive looting,breaking into phone stalls,bars,jewelery stores,money safes,casinos,has severely dented the image of what was once seen as the pride of the nation.

Earlier on despite CCTV evidence,a parliamentary committee gave a white signal,excusing KDF by excepting them from looting allegations.

And now CDF Julius Karangi says soldiers seen in CCTV footage ransacking safes were doing "sanitization" to ensure safety.

He also confirmed that 5 KDF soldiers died during the Wesgate operation but none of them died from friendly fire,this was in the response to new reports that security officers especially KDF engaged in infighting leading to death of severally officers.

In what sounds like a Churchil show joke,Karangi told the  Parliament that soldiers only picked water from Nakumatt in Westgate to quench their thirst

Do you believe in his explanation? Any Word to Karangi......


  1. Cock & bull story .Chief Of Armed Robbers. Lootenants per excellence

  2. u cant urgue with truth.the fact remains KDF did what was not expected of them.There are so many ways of information gathering more or so during this digital period.No matter how they cover up.Facts have proved them wrong

  3. they also pickd expensive watches to keep tym n phone to 'call 4 piece!!

  4. even if it ws water, ws it for free, kenya looters forces......

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