Exclusive Photos: Rioting Muslim Youths In Mombasa Engages POLICE In A Battle Torching A CHURCH

The riot is a retaliation from the earlier assassination of a cleric and three others by unknown gunmen.

The youths are pointing fingers at the police for being responsible.

In the midst of rioting the Muslim youths after their afternoon prayers torched the Salvation Army church in Majengo.

Its sad that the selected few who set the church on fire want the battle degenerate the fight against terrorism into a religious fight.

What do you think about burning of the church.


  1. burning of the church is wrong,but killing of a suspect is equally wrong!!! the suspects should have been apprehended and sentenced if found guilty not killed. whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty

  2. Clearly #wearenotone

  3. Ephesians 6:12

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

  4. Look at all the comments above. I think thats what the perpetrators were trying to achieve. Division amongst Kenyans. And we all fall for it. Shame.

  5. To our Muslims brothers kindly be calm coz the Christians have nothing to do with the killing of your fellow muslim. Remember that it's not that Christians cannot burn Mosques.

  6. If all religions behaved that way,then we will not have a world to live in,this is shameful.

  7. its not always about muslims n christians. killing is wrong so does burning spiritual places. may Allah destroy those disturbing this peace of our country.
