Yvonne Khamati the Kenyan diplomat to Somalia like other Kenyans has weighed into the matter that has over the past few days been the trending topic viciously damaging the reputation of the city's leaders.
Khamati herself is not a stranger with sex alike scandals,few months back one Douglas Mango attacked her on twitter and allegedly exposing her other side of life. Mango was later arrested and charged for malice practice.
Weighing in on the fellow woman's saga Yvonne says;
" I want to state from the onset that Hon Mbuvi Sonko and Hon Rachel Shebesh are both my friends. One from my hood and one from gender forums We cant as a people be quick to spread these pictures most likely photo shopped without hearing from them.
Innocent till proven guilty. They have parents, spouses, children, friends. Like we all do. But most important...where is the right to be heard and to be judged fairly? Truth be told.
What women have gone through in these social media streets is akin to emotional rape, abuse, disgrace...is that right?
We have our opportunity to vote someone out through the ballot if you have issues with them, sort it out then. But our leaders are a mirror of our society.
Be honest enough to look at yourself, where you have come from and then speak.
I feel for Rachel Shebesh. I weep for Rachel Shebesh. I cry for Rachel Shebesh. For her judgement is on these SM streets not in a court.
We all know what is right and what is wrong. And I don't agree with both of my friends actions. But I disagree with the lynch squad.
Democracy has rights. None has a right to expose consented intimacy. As you mock the pictures it is what your parents and you look like."
In summary the diplomat says people shouldn't be quick to judge Shebesh as those photos would probably have been Photoshoped,she also says our leaders are the true reflection of the society,meaning whatever the photos and the saga shows is what goes on back in the society and you shouldn't be quick in pointing fingers.
In an instance she says what we saw is nothing new and that even our parents do.
Do you conquer with her sentiments.....
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