The immediate Chief Registrar,Gladys Shollei has been sacked by her employing body JSC which is chaired by Mutunga.

In their decision  JSC cites misappropriation of funds, misbehaviour, incompetence, insubordination  and sideshows and corruption.

The sacking comes after Shollei declined to appear before the probe committee saying she won't oblige to private sessions rather than have it on public with media coverage.

The new development in the judiciary corridors comes only a day after Shollei appeared before a parliamentary committee on Thursday where she revealed the shocking sitting allowances of sh.80,000 per sitting by the commissioners terming it misappropriation.

It is the disagreeing for private sessions with the JSC that is termed as sideshows in the citations causing her the job.

1 comment:

  1. officers holding such high and sensitive positions must uphold the duty with high work cannot be done over the this case Shollei should blame herself.The top politicians will not be able to protect you with such behaviour
