Exactly a month after the 21/9 terror attack and with many theories flying around,the men responsible for the operation have come out to give their own account of events in the mall to the public.

In a press briefing the police IG Kimaiyo emphasised that he is not in anyway trying to muzzle the media but called for responsible reporting stating that war on terror needs working together with different agencies including media.

He said the police have been vigilant and continues to be "we have managed to stop 90% of terror attacks, we just don't talk about it" said Kimaiyo.

CID boss Muhoro was also present to give his own account,revealing unknown facts to the public as well while at it.

Muhoro revealed that during the attack one of the attackers made a call to Norway,the Somalia-Norwegian terrorist.

He says investigators will have concluded with the scene by end of Wednesday "last week, we recovered body parts of what we believe are the four suspected terrorists, we have recovered 4 AK47s by the body parts and 12 magazines. KDF does not use that type of weapon." Said the chief investigator in the bid to clear doubts that some of the terrorists might have escaped.

"Our analysis shows there were 4 attackers, all accounted for, can't say if any escaped,unlikely" said Muhoro.

KDF on the other end affirms that all exits and escape routes were manned and secured rubbishing claims that there were loopholes for the terrorists to have escaped.

KDF's Boss Julius Karangi also dismissed claims of infighting amongst security forces as have been reported. "there is no evidence of a soldiers shot by GSU recce officers or KDF friendly fire killing GSU officer" Karangi say.

On the heavy question as to why the building had it's floors brought down Karangi says "collapse of building was due to weakened structure after attackers set building alight three times"

"Reece company officers pulled out because unit with specific skills was taking over" Says Karangi on the question as to why KDF replaced Recce who had made an impacting progress in the rescue.

KDF's Spokesman Col.Oguna talked the looting claims and discredited the now famous Jicho Pevu footage.

KDF says as part of preparations to withdraw, business owners were invited to secure premises and assets 25th sept. bank branch managers secured money in strong rooms. 27th they all transferred money.

A Clip by KDF showing Barclays Bank manager saying most of cash accounted for but lost 1.5 million and DTB saying "bank valuables intact we did not lose anything" was played.

KDF confirmed that when troops exited westgate 25th sept, all casino vaults were intact however on the 23rd the casino owner Mr Nelson declared everything intact and thanked KDF and left with a bottle of whiskey,surprising on the 27th Mr.Nelson emerged saying he had lost a million shillings. His inconsistent character Oguna described as questionable.

On arrival at the crime scene KDF admits they didn't have a workable map, "when we arrived westgate we did not have a map, but before we went in blueprints of the building was available" Says Col..Oguna.

"KDF troops only took water Nakumatt to hydrate." Insisted Karangi.

Colonel Oguna opens the medical kit 'the so called loot' for all to see

This was an instance to justify and discredit looting claims. Accusations of looting begun early on the 22nd and 23rd the above picture posted of KDF soldiers sparked the looting fears. "briefcase shown in that picture is a standard medical kit, nothing else."


  1. Karangi is jst makings things more stupid by so insisting KDF only took water#rubish. Kwani were they given orders to take water or ws that water of No value to Nakumatt?

  2. A soldier is a person of High integrity, that's always the discipline that drives soldier all over the world.

  3. Kubali yaishe......Mliiba...Who authorised you to carry water from Nakumatt if that was not daytime burglary? Kwani hamna maji kwa barracks?

  4. i was one of the rescuers at westgate and i remember very well we had enough water, snacks and food provided by well wishers at the scene, am just wondering why someone would go further and pick more water from the supermarket. it doesn't make any sense to me.

  5. they had time to fill water in bags and walk off casually not worried about the terrorists??? normal people in such cases would quickly open up a bottle and gulp afew sips down and be vigilant......

