The Under 18, fame rapper has in the past few years been battling alcohol addiction that deemed his shinning stars as one of the hit makers in the Kenyan music industry.

According to close sources,Jimweezy was on his road to recovery and his mother reveals he had earlier returned to the studio and was expected to surface with it's release.

However all these seem to have experienced a  setback. The future of the rapper faces a bleaker end after getting involved in a gruesome accident physically grounding him.

On the 5th Saturday,Jimwat in the company of two other people he was with in a car,had their car rammed into from the back by a Prado along Thika road next to Thika mall.

He was quickly rushed to Kawaha Wendani hospital where it was discovered by the doctors that he had suffered multiple fractures on both legs and some fractured
ribs.He was then rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital for prompt medical attention,he is scheduled to undergo reconstructive surgery
that should enable him to walk again.

Friends and family have been struggling to raise medical fee to foot the pilling bills at the hospital that is rapidly growing. The mother has pleaded with the fans and entertainment fraternity to chip in and help with sorting Jimwat's medicare and hopefully have his son back on his feet.

So far,he is grounded and faces a longtime on wheelchair should the reconstructive surgery fail to take course.


  1. quick recovery jimw@t, ,,

  2. Quick recovery

  3. Pole sana....will say a prayer for you Jimmy.

  4. so sorry quick recovery do we send contributions?

