KIMAIYO Vows To Teach Mohammed Ali And ALLAN NAMU A Lesson For Showing CCTV Footage Of KDF Looting

Inspector General Kimaiyo has vowed to teach journalists a lesson for largely painting KDF as looters. This has been ignited by the said journalists led by KTN's Moha Jicho Pevu and John Allan Namu who in their latest investigative documentary into the Westgate attack showed CCTV footage of the army officers looting from the mall. The authorities have denied the glaring evidence saying the army didn't participate in any form of looting,Karangi the army boss in a press conference said KDF were only taking water from Nakumatt to quench their thirst. With continued mocking online,the authorities have been knocking off their PR stunts to cleanse their stained image. As earlier reported by Nairobi Exposed,journalists from various media houses were served with summon notices to appear before the CID at the headquarters in Kilimani in which they did on Wednesday morning. The police were questioning and squeezing their balls to reveal their sources of the CCTV footage. Ironically,it's the NIS which held custody of all the footage and are said to have sold them to media houses. In a press conference Kimaiyo says the media has branded KDF as looters he says will 'take action against journalist' a subliminal message aimed at John Namu and Moha Jicho Pevu. What do you say about the government's handling of the looting crisis as they take intimidation vector


  1. in the first place why not displine those who had prior information and failed to act.the cat is already out of the bag and many saw a lot in this digital there anyone who watched cnn?

  2. You are defending thieves Kimaiyo? You should be fired. Just only four Al shabaab and a whole KDF battallion? At the end they did start killing each other? What a shame. I guess you are among those who scored D+ or whatever, don`t need to be smart to be in the army.

  3. kenya is turning back to 40yrs where the truth wasnt said and alot of black mailing,kimaiko or whatever his name shd b in icc,u hide the truth when pple r loosing their loved ones........?

  4. The CCTV footage showing KDF entering Westgate and leaving with looted stuff was first on CNN and Aljazeeera. Kenyans had a right to be informed on what the other media were reporting on KDF!

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  6. Its a shame to the so called kimaiyo.After the footage had been shown,and it was real and clear,thats when he's thinking of jailing our guys?If so then he should be the first person to be jailed.First his department failled,so he means nothing!I support Mohaa & Namu 100% to continue doing their good job that really open the kenyan eyes!

  7. Hii ni aibu gani mlaletea wakenya! People are not stupid everything is clear so deal with the culprits. :-(

  8. we should know what these kdf soldiers were carrying inside those bags before we call them thieves cause no one ever knows even this guy you call "JICHO BOVU"didnt give us any truth from that cctv footage,we only saw the soldiers carrying paper bags,we should be carefull the way we handle sensitive issues THESE guys make me wonder what kind of journalistic ethics they have gone throu

  9. Terrorists entered Kenya through a back door and corruption and so our Kimayo got his job through similar methods,ie look how he speaks! Westgate for him is wastket...
