The political analyst is yet at it,after warning Uhuru from giving in to AU's advise to skip the ICC trials. In his argument Mutahi advises Uhuru to attend the sessions but not the judgement day.

According to his hypothesis,the ICC's original script was for the two principals to skip the courts and what would follow was arrest warrants but the plot was messed with when Ruto agreed and complied to attend the sessions.

The developing plot according to Mutahi Ngunyi is to lock up Ruto should Uhuru fail to turn up for his case scheduled for the 12th Nov.

"Uhuru Kenyatta is risking the
freedom of William Ruto if he decides to skip Hague. If he does that the judges will have no other option than locking up Ruto"

The perception of the statement is there could be a probability of s scheme to have the DP be the sacrificial lamb.

While this is cropping up,close confidants of the president and forces from the statehouse are said to be working round the clocks to have the president stay away from attending the sessions giving a blind eye to the possible consequences.

Such can easily be read from the body languages of the state figures including Amb.Amina the foreign sec.who has in various venues said the Uhuru case ceased being s personal issue into a national problem when Uhuru was elected and that he shouldn't attend Hague.

The writings remains on the walls


  1. in my own view this man #mutahi has been always good in analysis thing and therefore we should also think twice.....""

  2. You are obviously a bunch on nincompoops because I know Mutahi Nguyi knows if Uhuru does not appear at the Hague there is no legal basis for ICC to arrest the DP. Wait! Maybe I am the nincompoop for being on this site in the first place.

  3. This is not rocket science and we dont need an analyst to lie to us tht one can be locked up coz another person dint show for his case! What do u take us for? Everyone of them has their own day in court n ua heaadline admin does not go inline wth ua story.

  4. this story sound a joke created for children,,,,, headline to message body have no connection,,, court cases anywhere in this universe ar not yoked if not in the same case,,,,, uhuru and ruto have nothing in common in icc case,,,, but anyway we can understand work of garters
