The MPs accompanying Deputy President William Ruto to the Hague have been through hell and back from bad food to downtown cheap hotel rooms but this haven't killed their spirits and continue to extend their stay at the ICC giving the indictee moral uproar.

Just the other day,Ruto in the company of Charles Keter and Gideon Moi were captured on camera strolling the streets of Hague like common mwanachi would do in Kenya during his off court day,perhaps to catch a breath of fresh air.

Yesterday as they were leaving courtroom after witness 326 had unrolled his testimony and business for the day finished.

It was raining heavily outside but the courts have strict rules such that when the sessions are over then everybody has to vacate the premise. Left with no option the MPs led by senator Charles Keter braced through the rain while Ruto was picked from the doorstep of the court and chauffeured to his hotel room.


  1. That`s why in Europe, it is very important to read the weather focust and be prepared for the day, take an umbrella in your handbag.

  2. hustlers for real

  3. intresting...., cheap local hotels, stroling around the street hehhe funny

  4. I love the humour

  5. Na hata hawana haya!! Who told them this is to go for a jogging session?

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  7. I love their patriotism

