PUZZLE As Nairobi Pastors Supports Homosexuality And Creates A Pro Gay Group

A section of pastors from Kitengela have broken through the tradition and declared their support on homosexuality and the need for the church to embrace and accept the homosexuals into the church. They've gone as far as launching a gay club 'United Coalition Of Affirming Africans - Kenya' which will be used to fight for gays rights in the churches. The 50 group of pastors came across different denominations. "We are not saying homosexuality is right since there was never a time it was wrong,' Rev Michael Kimindu,the lead pastor in the lobby. The mission by this pastors is to lobby churches to accept and embrace homosexuals into the society. Do you support the pastors' plight


  1. Shindwe !pepo nyekundu:!

  2. He is very right. After all love is unconditional to whoever one chooses despite of sex,race and religion

  3. r.i.p what kind of pastor are you. May God strike u with lightining! Ntomo.

  4. May these pastors be stricken by God's sword.

  5. Some of our church leaders have gone to bed with the world.Instead of leading the sheep to right direction they have misled them,they have chosen the love of money than love of God.As the times of Ibraim,Dettan$Korah,when ground opened and swallowed those who went against the wil of Moses and God of israel,May the ground open and swallow these pastors

  6. Surely, where are we headed as a nation? I believe these pastors were not called to service by God but their stomachs. They are turning our society to Sodom and Gomorrah.. GOD HAVE MERCY. HOLY SPIRIT COME, I PRAY AND GUIDE US. Can some one do the honorable thing and expose these stomach pastors for the sake of us all. we need to know them and de-flock their churches.Soon, they will indoctrinate our youth into believing in all manner of evil in the name of.... NI MAUMBILE TU.

  7. All of you come whether gay/lesbian/straight/bestial as we are only interested in your tithes & offerings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Its a very big shame if a shepherd can mislead the flocks which have been entrusted under their care by the chief shepherd. They stopped being wirth of their role when their mind departed from the word of God ad they are no longer supposed to be called pastors, but the bible says in Rev 22 let is filth continue to be filth ad the righteous continue to be righteous, I come quickly ad my reward with me to repay everyone according as he has done. So it is for each one of us to choose what they want to do, but for me I'll serve my God in the way the bible says.

  9. Churches don't have a ground anymore, all they care about is money !!!

  10. Please someone come along and expose this illuminati pastors who are out here to break families. May Jehovah God srike them hard in Jesus Mighty Name.

  11. It is very sad. These man made pastors were never called. And if somehow they were called in the beginning, surely they were never chosen. We must be hearers and doers of the word of God.

    James 1:21-24 get rid of all uncleanness and [e]all that remains of wickedness, and with a humble spirit receive the word [of God] which is implanted [actually rooted in your heart], which is able to save your souls. 22 But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]. 23 For if anyone only listens to the word [f]without obeying it, he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he immediately forgets what he looked like.

    A true bible believing servant of God cannot be mislead.. Those pastors either comes to sheppard or to slaughter. And everyone is going to be held accountable for their own soul. You are either destined for hell, or predestined for life eternal.

    It break my heart. To those who Hear the word, and know the word, and obey the word, must expose this by the word of God. For the word of God illuminates in Darkness. It is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our pathways. Psalms 119:105..
    Our voices our Good, but the word of God speaks loud and clear..
