Royal Media's WAWERU MBURU Bombards UHURU KENYATTA Labels Him As The Worst And Selfish

Waweru Mburu is arguably the fiercest,most controversial,fearless and critical political analyst in Kenya who can take on any issue or politician without mincing his words.

His political analysis show *Yaliyotendeka* is peoples favourite with millions of listeners. Waweru in his impartial nature has taken shots on nearly all the leading politicians in the country.

His famous opening line."...hujambo msikilizaji na karibu kwa yaliyotendeka,Leo hii nimewaandalia makala maalum......" Is memorable amongst his followers. He broadcasts on Citizen radio and recently upgraded to appear on *Cheche* also a political analysis show on Citizen TV.

In the latest episode of Yaliyotendeka,the ruthless analyst has taken on the President heads on,this comes in the awake of unending attempts to suspend his cases before the ICC.

In summary here is what Waweru said;

•Kenyatta went to Addis Ababa to discuss his personal issues and not welfare of Kenya as acountry.

•It is now evident that Kenyatta wanted to become president so as to manage his personal problems he has in Hague. Kenyans were not in his agenda.

•Most of African countries are poor because they always have pathetic leaders, the only stable countries are Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, south Africa and Ghana,that is why Kenya has managed to convince others to back Kenya on ICC issues but soon Kenya will collapse because it is having the worst leadership ever.

•I agree Uhuru is my president but i always feel ashamed to say so.

•Kenya currently is a laughingstock in the eyes ofinternational community for being led by twosuspects.

•He finished by saying that he is sorry forKenyans to have such people as their leaders.

Do you concur with Waweru....


  1. This is not hate speech

  2. i concur, hate him too

  3. let him go to international community n become citizen there, kenyan people decided to vote hin n we can't reverse_its peope choice

  4. I fully agree with Waweru...our president is such an embarassment...he's acting guilty,lyk he knows hs fate is doomed if he faces tha ICC!

  5. Pure Truth,& truth hurt so deep,but it must be told.The President & his deputy are suspects of horrible crimes, -& this dark cloud seems to get bigger...they should be impeached.

  6. tell him to up his game before criticizing our president......... As much as i know, we dont feel him @ all... where does he work??? tv or radio??? we r ashamed of him for such sentiments........ so irresponsible of him... nowander Citizen tv is slowly loosing viewership......!!!! Mad respect for our prezzo a.k.a my prezzo!


  8. We were advised to "look before we jumped" during the elections and we did the exact opposite!!! People get the leaders they deserve because they elect the leaders they want.

    1. Choices have consequences, hehe!!!

  9. For sure,it is 'your prezzo' not 'our prezzo'............truth hurts

  10. The president clearly said ICC is a personal issue so let him contend with it at a personal level and not as the president of kenya. If he is unable to separate the state frm his personal agenda so be it. But the wheels of justice will not ground to a halt coz of AU .

  11. Who is he to talk about the president, does he know its the pple's choice. we r not ashamed!!! this is the best leadership ever in this land. what hv u done for the citizens tv???

  12. he said the truth. the guy said it is personal but the national assembly is busy trying to fix his personal problem while people are killing each other like chicken on Christmas kitambo. if saying the plain truth is hate speech basi tuko kama zimbabwe.

  13. I totally agree with wawerus sentiments,those who hurl abuses at him are the ones who are still in the dark eras of "our"president,hw can he be the pipos pressy wth all that controversy surrounding hs election? Let us descern politics and personal agenda frm public matters

  14. if we could replay the debate before the elections... our president promised to separate national interests from his own interests, he is doing the exact opposite. everyone is concerned about the hague issue other than national development. but selfishness is human nature.

  15. Thats personal opinion an he should not use radio or TV station to express that. He need to separate that

  16. i strongly concur with Waweru and soon we are going to be like Zibambwe,not all Kenyans voted for him n so he should bear in mind that the 5million who never voted for him were...... and if he never did anythin why is he afraid of attendin the trials?????let him prove to ICC his innocence

  17. sometimes i do wonder how some people could urge a point.waweru has hit the nail at the top.for those who are agaist him kindly ask urself,what value did he did for the country by going to addis.even his fellow african leaders have short sight.let him not blame people for his problems

  18. by saying he is the best president, my question goes, what value has he added to kenya apart from price increase,laxicity in civil service leading to neglegency by responsible officers leading issues like westgate and the large amount of money cought at jkia

  19. I once heard my president saying that "kwani hague ni kwa mamazao?" and that he was not afraid of going there,what happened? Mr Waweru Mburu is a Kenyan just like me and you so don't hold a gun on his head becoz he is saying the truth.

  20. I gave up on Waweru Mburu's commentaries as they seek to propagate his own agenda and not us Kenyans. To Waweru Mburu, you better learn to live with our President, or else go to Norway and wait till your favourite candidate wins in 2032.

  21. I am ashamed to be Kenyan too, But not because of our leaders ,but because of us as Kenyan citizens who stand by and fiercely support this leader as they work hard to destroy our country!

  22. saying it like it is .....realization will soon hit his sycophants ! God bless Kenya

  23. Waweru Mburu i support you till death!! if he is innocent why dont he go proof his innocence in hague?? he just wanted to rob from Rao for his own selfish ambitions!! lies never last long he already shown his true colours what he was up to.
    I hate him killing the good name of kenya making kenya a play not to live in. soon kenya will be like ZIM and will that bloody fuckin AU help us?
    watasimama kando kutuchekelea.

  24. march 2013 kenyans were asked to choose between convicts and criminals who haven't been convicted YET.

  25. waweru is my man, kenya is lacking courageous men like u who always stands for the truth, u have always been talking against bad leadership and we are proud of you, citizen TV AND RADIO WILL ALWAYS B NUMBER ONE. endelea ndugu yangu , Let us not be vague let us go to Hedge -- mwaaaaaa!

  26. Suggesting that Waweru is anything but a loud mouth social climber is an insult to real journalist. I believe a GOOD journalist is free to have a strong opinion so long as he can remain objective with the coverage. Unless your heads are too far up your behinds its rather obvious such rants are attention seeking gimmicks and let's not forget who Waweru really works for at the end of the day. No love lost there! Uhuru short of God's hand is going to be the President of this country for at least a good 5 years. The sooner bitter people wrap their heads around that the better. I doubt his alternative would have done anything differently or better for that matter.

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