While IG Kimaiyo continues to get criticism from various human rights and journalism bodies for supposedly intimidating Mohammed Ali and Allan Namu for their controversial documentary that exposed the looting in Westgate mall,the president has added his voice into the matter.

Sharing the same sentiments with Kimaiyo,the president perceives the persistent showing of the Westgate footage as unpatriotic and putting the national security at stake.

Uhuru argues that by consistently showing the footage Mohammed Ali and other journalists comes out as an appraisal to the terrorists while the army gets demonized.

He pledged with Kenyans to respect the KDF since they put their lives on the line to protect the citizens and at the same time warned journalists with Moha in mind to stop abusing the freedom of speech given to them and continue with their duties responsibly and without compromising the national security.

The president's statement comes only a day after Mohammed Ali and Allan Namu were summoned to appear before the CID at Kilimai in relations to the CCTV footage.

Do you support the president's sentiments on defending the KDF and do you think Mohammed Ali went overboard.


  1. in the absence of information flow on critical issues,information is sourced from different angles,cnn showed more than this.we even heard monitors from kilimani are the ones showing this after the ones inside the mall were blasted

  2. one thing i will never support is either corruption,stealing or looting even if its done by my brother or son.evil will always remain evil

  3. God forbid. I cant support president sentiments. Its again human ethics to praise evil.

  4. The gvt was wrong for lying to general public n now the trueth is now a movie allover the world.Moha n Namu over deed their work by exposing classified matters of national security.Both parties are wrong.

  5. No one s right.A much as i didnt like the looting part it was also wrong for Mohammed Ali and John Allan Namu to air such footage of even people getting shot at..9/11 during the terrorist attack were you shown any bodies?This is blshit

  6. http://www.payvilla.com/?shard=11316

  7. in supporting the carrying away of paparbag full of stuff! Am not behind the president on this. Kdf would be much dignified if they saved lives and left the building as they went in. Assuming it was water it is still wrong did they seek authority from nakumat? Or they assumed it was their right. National security begins with discipline among all, and hiding wrongs done by the very people who should who should fight to keep the society right. Why not summon cnn too?

  8. NKT.uhuru ni drug addict who wnts to agree with him anyway.My God forgive kenya n remouve the cuse He placed apone us n give us the ryt President.TUMECHOKA NA UKOLONI MAMBOLEO.
