Siaya gubernatorial by election was viewed as the ultimate supremacy battle ground. Rasanga the ODM candidate was viewed as Raila Odinga's point man while Oduol due to his past record of critiquing Raila and supposed association with rivals was considered an Uhuru associate.

Down in the grounds to many and with what was being propelled,the battle was supposedly between Uhuru and Raila and that the vying candidates were just shadow boxers.

Experts viewed the election as an Odinga supremacy in Nyanza weighing scale,does he still hold the grip especially after endorsing Rasanga or not? That was the question in many minds.

Oduol a self confessed Odinga critic who is on record saying he will teach Raila a lesson and oust him from the throne bringing to an end to Odingaism which for sometimes has been reigning,was seen to be on the leading lane especially on social networks where he commanded an immense following.

In the last television interview held where both candidates came face to face on Citizen TV just two days into the election,Oduol promised what he termed as a surprise to the world,he was confident of a win and breaking the walls of Odingaism which according to him has held Nyanza captives.

To Oduol this was more than a political contest,it was gone personal with a point to prove.

Fast forward to the elections day,the tallying centre started beaming figures and Rasanga was on the steady lead with Oduol following in close. This pattern would go like this without a possibility of change.

Sensing defeat,Oduol ate the bitter humble pie and conceded defeat hours before the official announcement of the final results. In the conceding press conference,the chest thumping was suddenly silent perhaps the reality dawned that he lost the battle.

He promised to work and counter check the governor for the development of Siaya. On the other end,Rasanga was celebrating his win,posing with Usain Bolt's famous posture.

Oduol in his mind must have learnt many lessons.....


  1. buh that shows Raila doesnt dorminate Nyanza if he dd Rasanga could have got at least 90%

