DUALE Tells RUTO Off To Stop Crying Saying Statehouse Did Not Fix Him

Answering Jakoyo Midiwo's question on the allegations that statehouse officials were responsible for fabricating and paying fake witnesses against Ruto to fix him to the ICC,Duale the house's majority leader rubbished away Ruto's claims saying there is no such evidence that the named officials fixed Ruto and all that is going around is malicious lies.

This comes at a time when Karim Khan,Ruto's lead counsel has told interior ministry secretary Mutea Iringo straight that him together with other state officials fixed Ruto to the ICC. Iringo quickly retaliated to  the accusations distancing himself from ever having a hand in the plot but he was immediately put off by the vocal lawyer Khan who said his team had already conducted non refutable investigations that revealed his hands in the plot.

Varying voices from the camps has largely been seen as a sign of political rift in the jubilee government,Ruto was recently denied access to NIS documents that he wanted despite having equal say as the president,campaign launched by Charles Keter to have statehouse officials sacked has not gone down well with the president's close men.

Duale while dismissing Ruto's claims,affirmed that jubilee government was intact and no rift as of now.

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