EXCLUSIVE: CIKU MUIRURI Of Classic Fm BUSTED For Stage Managing Devil Worshipping Episode [Photos Evidence]

Last week on Wednesday the social media and radio waves went on a shocking after all queen of "busted" had just caught a devil worshiper who even threatened to kill her,the story went viral,people were sending prayers and encouragement words to Ciku with many applauding her for the fearless face she put up. The show was trending,the ratings went up. But basic instincts based on her past events didn't convince some people.

Coincidentally,from no where someone with"exclusive" expose contacted us through our Facebook page Nairobi Exposed and apparently Ciku had once again applied her mojo and she was about to be exposed.

Below are the screenshots of the conversation we had with the source whose identity shall remain undisclosed under request. Read then NE can then tear into the "busted" *Khan voice*

Here is the evidence from someone who knows the real players and by the way we counter checked to confirm the validity. Question is how did she manage to convince many people into believing her. Let's get straight into the supposed scoli busted and tear into it to prove it was stage managed and in case you missed it just check it out on YouTube search scoli busted/devil worshiper.

Back to business,the recording opens up with James telling Ciku that he suspects his girlfriend Scoli of being a devil worshiper and would like Ciku to bust her to find out the truth to help him make up his mind on wether to or not marry her.

Ciku like the pastors of seeds transforms to Pastor Wanjiru and calls the lady and here is when we meet our first mishap,she starts by asking Ciku if she is Magret Wanjiru but she declines then without hesitation Ciku or now pastor wanjiru says she had a dream that led her her to scoli with a special message of repentance,pause,normally when you get a strange number you will question the caller about their identity and more importantly from whom they got your number from but that link is missing here,the two simply jumps into the conversation like familiar people,long time no see.

The lady shows amazingly great heights of confidence as pastor Wanjiru unleashes her prophecies,revealing the devil worship link.

As she tells Scoli about the dream,pastor wanjiru reveals how she knows about Scolis ritual killings and at this point Scoli gets hyper,saying she deals with bigger people.

At this point in a clearly trained voice like one reciting a choral verse,Scoli delivers what become the punchline,to look like the real witch with voodoo she tells the now shaken Ciku lol ,"you think I don't know where you are,aren't you in Westlands,in black shoes and you're now shaking" boy that was the ultimate punchline,Scoli the devil worshiper had used her devilish powers to trace pastor wanjiru and her shoes colour.

She goes to unleash more venom at Ciku, "i was warned against you earlier,I knew you'd call" but the irony is yes she was warned by her devils but she couldn't tell it was Ciku calling and not Pastor Wanjiru,we all know Classic fm station is at Westlands,this was used to dupe the listeners that Scoli had real devil powers,she could tell where the pastor wanjiru was but couldn't tell she was being busted and better yet talking to Ciku and not pastor,selective voodoo,clearly.

But the funniest part comes when James gets into the conversation with ayayayaa scoli scoli.repeatedly,now if anyone remembers another stage managed busted,the famous Agnes omg omg,this was the same trick and the ayaya was taken from Shebesh after gubernatorial slap,notice how this James guy repeated that line,well the intention was simple,make it popular phrase and highlight of the busted just like Agnes and omg omg phrase.

But it went terribly wrong,as the guy acts surprised,they finally shift to their normal voices and you can here scoli saying fit sana,typical Nairobi girl.

And to make the script more enticing,scoli hangs up but James continues saying a lot of nothings,denouncing her but you don't hear a drop of shock in his voice,it was faker than a NokLa phone.

The whole thing is clearly faked and any sharp mind will tell from the word go but someone says Ciku knows her audience best and could not be really inquisitive to smell the conc lies. Talking of her audience have a look at the picture she posted on Facebook claiming to be Scoli,and believe you me by the comments many people bought it as the truth

This photo for those active on internet has been downloaded and reused more than,lemme leave it at that,she wasn't done duping her audiences but she continued.

One thing Ciku won't admit that the set was faked and this not the first time she's been exposed on NE it has happened before.

If the above won't help you judge the truth then I don't know what will. Someone needs to stop taking Kenyans for a ride to improve her ratings but again credits on Ciku,have you thought of scriptwriting? You can make a blockbuster.


  1. Thank you for exposing such a lier.. She must have been so naive when doing the script.. Who predicts a person's location and how they dressed in the office with such precision.. Ciku we aint fools..

  2. lies...your style of writing and the so called exposer is the same,the wording,and punctuation.u myt as well have fabricated this

  3. get your facts right!!! This maybe fake as you say buh Agnes story was so true she was my workmate by then before she was sacked!!!

  4. Wacheni wivu, ciku s busted had been there before!!! Qq

  5. What actually amazed n interested me more than the fake busting itself was the level of gullibility as displayed by the flow of passionate comments that followed...!

  6. It was clear the "busted" was stage managed for foolish idle kenyans. How could the "devil" or scoli tell ciku, she was already informed about the call yet she could not even identify who was calling her?? She also believed it was pastor Wanjiru?? Or was she a powerless devil because normally if it was a real devil she ought to have known exactly who was calling her. This is just bt a show!!

  7. The devil got exactly what he wanted. Now everybody is talking about him. 100 marks to that master schemer!! Soon y'all wont be surprised at all when he actually comes knocking. Whoa!

    1. I agree. This is nonesense. We're giving the devil too much hype for NOTHING

  8. YOU are tha fabricator in this case. why would the friend tell on the friend? and so soon? and for the good of kenyan's. by the way knowing it was stage managed doesn't help us in any way. and in any event if anyone is to gain anything from revealing that it was fabricated is you. you want to sell your cheap gossip. wow, you should be a script writer albeit a very boring one.

  9. This guy is the fabricator!


  11. Dear Kenyans, i have worked in the media and still do, whether this is true or not, i don't know coz i was not there but from my experience, you are wasting a lot of your precious time talking about the devil who deserves NO PRAISE and most importantly raising Ciku's rating on her show. High chances you would want to hear her next show just so you don't miss out (FOMO) Fear of missing out. I cnt remember the last time i listened to busted. Oh today after being forced to listen on whatsapp audio.
    You have better things to do. Build your nation, speak a blessing to your children, spous, brothers and sisters.
    Soon we will forget this and who knows in 6months another staged managed busted will be released. Did it add a dollar to you. Of course not.
