Mr.Romantic LEVY KONES Of Slimpossible Comes Out Defensive And Will Sue Nation And The Star

Following published reports that the slimpossible finalist Levy Kones was involved in an assault case on his supposedly wife in Eldoret,the story has since gone viral with negative remarks running across.

The man under siege has surfaced and below is a press statement received by NE as he attempts to defend himself off the allegations;

I write this post with a heavy heart...I have seen both the stories in the today's DAILY NATION and The Star, Kenya newspaper.

I’m also including Citizen TV Kenya and Slimpossible CitizenTV in this post for purposes of clarity. It
is indeed true that to here was a warrant of arrest issued against me yesterday for assault on a Faustine Naibei on the 20th as alleged.

Since both the Nation and the Star did not think it was prudent for them to check their facts here
is my side and I would challenge them to try and practice some good journalism before they
join forces with ex-girlfriends in destroying people's lives:

1. I was in Eldoret the weekend of the 18th but travelled to Nairobi on 20th and it was the day I
actually moved to Nbi and I have proof of that.

And I did not at any point meet Faustine naibei on this day.

2. Faustine Naibei my accuser was a onetime girlfriend and has never at any point been my wife and a simple check into marriage documents in kenya will attest to this.

We broke up in Dec last year and I have emails between us attesting to this and would be happy to furnish them with these. And kindly please if you ever attended such a wedding; please tell me when and where.

3. I was on slimpossible for a whole 16 weeks where in almost every episode the host Lillian
Muli Kanene, would call me a bachelor and this wife never showed up anywhere, heck I even had a trip to Boma Inn Eldoret, and this wife was in Eldoret and never knew???

4. I filed a case against Faustine Naibei on the 17th of Oct in Central police station Eld in which
I cited that I had come into information that she had obtained a loan from Kenya Women Finance
Trust fraudulently using the copy of My ID and My mum's as guarantors....the case is since
being handled by the CID in Eldoret and her case against me for assault came after this one.

5. I have in my possesion, copies Faustine Naibei's identification documents and even in her ID's her fraud is glaring...she is Faustine
Kipkech Naibei Id no 12834821 with DOB of Aug 16th 1974 and in her passport she is Faustine
Emmah Cheptoek Naibei DOB 15th Aug 1976, both which I had come across and were key in the ending of our relationship.

And just so you Know...Emmah Cheptoek is her younger sister
and this woman used her Form four certificate to get a Visa to study in the US I had tried not
to expose her but I feel at this juncture I must protect my name and that of my Fiancee.

6. Which Idiot would get on National TV and propose to a woman knowing fully well he was

7. I had been informed that her case was coming up for mention today, and I am in
Eldoret as I write this because I arrived last night only to discover it had been taken to court yesterday and a warrant issued....It is my view
that this was calculated so that this matter could be in the news...good move by the way.

It is my intention to pursue legal action against both the
Daily Nation and The star newspaper for defamation, and embarrassment to me and I
would urge them to act with professionalism before they use their powers to besmirch
people’s names.

I would also like to apologize to
my fiancée and my soon to be in laws for the pain and heartache this is causing them.

Lies always have a head-start, but the truth will always catch up.


Whom do you believe in this saga,the alleged wife or Levy


  1. Levy the ex sounds like a freak n a sick person

  2. That ex woman shld get a life she s just one heck of a jealous wman

  3. Pole L. Kones-A simple case of blackmail.The jury is out

  4. levi ur so absurd guy i cant believe you. i met you with faustine late April as i tried to get your services for a function yet you claim to have separated in December. How can you disown this girl who you proudly introduced to a congretation in my home church as your wife. You looked as agood guy and now am doubting that.But again let me not judge you but your conscience will judge you and time will tell.

  5. hahahaha, Levi, good explanation, you such an good liar. Especially at that juncture where you expose her without a care, u r the most idiotic and opportunistic man av ever seen. Even with her fraud names, u were with Faustine, until now when its you on the grill and you want her in the flame too.......thats how I know you are as guilty. I wish you well with your new fiancee but my advice to her is "run baby run, b4 you are next in line to be assaulted with God knows what electronic" but I bet just as many ladies she is not ready to forego that stunning proposal, but every day is not engagement or wedding day..........your ungentleman ways will catch up with her. I pray its not true, I wish I could believe your side of the story, I believe in truth surficing and triumphing over lies, but I live on the cautious side of life.......AM SITTING ON THE FENCE, WAITING FOR YOUR TRUTH, TIME WILL TEL

  6. Levi shame on you. Only an imbecile would believe you. Faustine, with all her warts, is your wife. You also have not answered a crucial question. Did you or did you not beat her thoroughly and strip her naked on the streets of Eldoret. Man, you are such a fool. Kenyan women are even more foolish for falling for your antics. But the biggest fool is Lillian Muli Kanene, a victim of constant domestic violence, who chose to turn a deaf ear to Faustine when she went to Citizen group offices, to complain about Levi. SHAME ON YOU Lillian for allowing the man to hide behind you!! You probably deserve the slaps you get, for your greed for money & fame at the expense of doing what is right. THE END!!

    1. Aaiii what has Lillian got to do wit anything? They all went there for one purpose and that was loosing weight! She has no business in their personal lives.

    2. yes please grow A LOT of those brains before insulting someone who you don't even know aside from seeing her on TV

  7. I think Lillian has nothing to do to tha both parties. If Kones&Naibei have issues,then they shld deal with them softly. Its definate that he doesn't want her in his life. that lady is old enaf to get herself a life&whether she likes it or not she might be too hurt cz tha guy has already moved on. Can't side with either of them bt Let her also move on esp.if no kids envolved in the two... #my thoughts. Lillian's job was to host...hello... her life at home is hers&u guys are hating her fr no reason. Ama she's tha one who got Kones tha gal!!!?

  8. Levy my love take heart,i believe you

  9. are you sure you didnt assult her? my ex assulted me and denies it so hard with all evidence and witnesses. i think you assulted her.

  10. Why isnt anyone asking for proof in this matter, people are having a field day bashing Levi but he has asked crucial questions...where was this girl all that time and the show kept saying he was single? why did she take 16 weeks to react? and if he bashed her on the streets and stripped her naked surely there must have been witnesses and a report to that effect? and I havent seen any of Levi's other ex's come out to support this faustine's claims...batterers usually have a history, and then didnt Alai tweet that she refused to marry him and he battered her because of that? so at what point did she go from girlfriend to wife? and where is the certificate? or did she become wife after he proposed to another?and with such heavy injuries,surely faustine you must have taken pics of yourself? where are they? and these Id's, just checked the databases and they are true,can faustine photocopy her Id's and show us different?do you people realize that this story is only a story coz Levi did well and then proposed? had he been evicted in week 5 or 6 or 8 or whatever would we have heard about him? I think Kenyans we are just too eager for juicy stories that make no sense, this dude couldnt find a mwiko or anything else in the house and had to throw her a microwave? really? Levi keep your head up. In my book, only a clean man, would walk up infront of cameras and propose to a woman infront of the whole world. Eunice, you are one lucky woman.

  11. Time will tell! Wait!

  12. This man is many have bn proposed 2 leave alone on screens & has ended nowhere? I was once his friend on fb, & his fiancees too.he blockd me & told his fiancee'to block me coz of commenting on his stupid posts.of late hes bn showing how close he is to his step daughters.its jst 4 aseason.hes new lover should b careful.i may wish to know his looks like 40s!

  13. Levi, we know you and my advice is...the truth will set you free. you are running from the truth but you are bound to stop and that is when the ugly will come out. You know in your heart that was/is your wife. marriage and wedding are not the same thing and to be married u dont have to have gone to church.

  14. it ain't anyone's bizna!

  15. I pity you Levi,you need to see a pastor for deliverance you are possessed,Faustine thank God my dear if one million inamuchanganyisha what if it was 5m,let him go, wangeshi atamaliza hiyo doo then utajionea just wait he is a big looser,move on with your God,He Has good plans for u and He is Protecting you from worse things
