SHOCKING Images Of Wonder Parasites That Were Eating BIG KEV's Brain And Removed

Shocking is an understatement of what eventually came out of Big Kev's brain. For sometime,he was diagnosed with a brain tumour and some years back,he successfully underwent a surgery locally to remove it.

However,years later,unusual migraine persisted prompting him to seek further treatment. India was then his next destination for a surgery to remove a tumour that was supposedly growing.

Later he would undergo hours long surgery and what came out is chilling. A parasite was discovered to have been living in his brain giving persistent migraine and this is what was removed.

The message accompanied by the photos from Big Kev who is still recovering from post surgery pains read " They told me that most people seek help to late
orcare misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong have done things very differently if I
had had this info the first time....this is why I
will be working with PATHWAY INTERNATIOL to
aggressively push this agenda.......guys there is
help available and we'll help you find it........God
has been fabulous to me and like I
promised......just to know what we were dealing
with and how your prayers carried me here are
the pics.........some may have had worse but this
is my testimony. ..and this is what has been
living in my brain........To God Be The Glory!"


  1. woooooi!....pole sana Big kev God will see u thru'......get well soonest!

  2. Omg that thing was in his brain! too God be the glorh-surely things would have turned out differently if he didn‘t have it removed in time

  3. pole xana. AMEN 2 da almighty.
