Shocking Revelation: School Age Boys Selling Their Anus In Nairobi To Maintain Swag Lifestyle

Shocking details are emerging that young boys mostly the high school going in Nairobi have taken desperate measures to live their fantasy life and now resorting to selling themselves to old men who are ready to folk out thousands for their services.

Following hear-say and extensive ground verification,the trade which brings together young boys from leading secondary schools in the area have Nairobi Cinema as the trade centre where they are.either picked by old white men or any other either by a pimp or themselves.

The business goes without raising an eyebrow since the place is  mostly trooped by young Kenyans either from or to college. The teens in this business however know themselves and going by their feminine laced kind of dressing they distinguish.

According to Nairobi Exposed findings,these boys have resorted to selling themselves not because of poverty after all most are from better families but only do this to maintain high living style,they spot designer wares,Colognes,expensive phones and gadgets amongst many other items they buy off the sales.

"you make like sh.30000 or sh.3000 or even sh.300000 depending on who you end up with,mostly the clients are foreigners,lawyers in town,journalists and other well off men who prefer the younger boys compared to older gays whom they say are worked out" says one of the boys to NE.

The business is booming despite being illegal and attracting young boys day by day and now that it's holiday season they have flocked. "its not best of the things one would do but i'm used to it now though the pain on the bum never ending,but again I get to where all the expensive stuff and have the best" explains Tash*not real name*

Despite consequences like loosing bowel control and passing stool uncontrollably,frequent STIs and other dangers involved,the young boys continue to sell their backs to maintain "swag"


  1. this is he most ridiculous story ever!!! what proof do you have. you page sucks, try a media school for comprehensive journalism not mere trashy gossip and made up stories for views.

    how do you even characterize effeminate men as Gay. rubbish. were you so daft in your biology class when others were learning genetics and hormonal change.

    this page or website should be brought down, its full of malice and unsubstantial reports full of discrimination and hate!

  2. Replies
    1. R u wake if yes where we can meet I am in slee

    2. R u wake if yes where we can meet I am in slee

  3. Anon 14.08 why are you so bitter? Does it hurt that your cover has been blown? If you don't like the page, stop reading it instead of throwing useless matusis. You can also start your own blog and write the stuff you like!

  4. Enter your comment...only God can judge

  5. What a piece of utter rubbish! Your so called story is not only fake, but lacks imagination.
