Ten Things That MIGUNA Said About RAILA On Jeff Koinange Live

Come baby come finally came out of the darks after a long unusual silence,thanks to his friend KTN's Jeff Koinange and as expected,his rage towards Raila still stays at above 100 and when the opportunity came,he didn't hesitate to slash at the former prime minister and his employer.

The sour grapes which he verbally denies but physically shows towards Raila were on full effect. Below are some of the key issues he labelled against the PM.

• Raila is a political conman.
-In response to Raila's criticism on Uhuru towards the draconian media bill,Miguna alleges that Raila is not a straight forward man but one who will seize the slightest opportunity to look good.

• Raila is idle and begging Uhuru for a job.
- As a measure of ensuring EAC's unity and Tanzania dragging it's feet causing a stalemate,Raila had advised the sitting presidents to appoint group of statesmen to factor in for the unity. Miguna said by this he was begging Uhuru to appoint him as one of the statesmen.

• Raila will run for president once again in 2017,Kalonzo has been sidelined.
-According to Miguna,Raila and Kalonzo had a pre election pact that would see Raila support Kalonzo for presidency in the next elections,however things have changed and according to Miguna,Raila has shown all signs of running again,pushing Kalonzo to the colds hence his silence read as a strategic,hinting that he would ditch CORD which he also dismisses as having never existed in the first place.

• Raila would have done worse on media bill were he  had been elected as the president.
- In response to the draconian bill and alleged plot by Uhuru to gag the media,Miguna says Raila could have been worse claiming he is a dictator.

• Raila would have chased him and probably killed him were he to be president today.
- Asked what he could have done were it that Raila became the president,he goes to answer saying Raila's goons could have chased him away and he'd seek asylum abroad,also he claims Raila himself knowing him would have never spared his life.

• Raila I said before and again he will never be the president of Kenya.
-Miguna laughed off in confidence saying he said it before and it happened that Raila never became the president and says he'll never be.

• Raila and his people have created fake social media accounts with my names and posting hate materials.
- Miguna first stated that he is not on social media but again goes ahead to say that he only reads peoples' comments but never posts or comments. He goes further to claim that its Raila.and his people who have created the numerous parodies of him. Ironically,most of the Miguna's accounts either on Facebook or Twitter are largely used to smash Raila.

• Raila and his Luo people are ashamed,Kisumu people are timid.
- He bragged that people now respects him more after telling the truth of Raila loosing election and happening. As a point of strengthening confidence,Miguna who was last year chased and forced to seek refuge with the police,says Kisumu people are now afraid of him and that he walks freely in the city with no one touching him.


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  3. hahahahah....how does miguna miguna read posts in twitter,facebook and other social media platforms without having an account??? this guy is mad!!!

  4. Miguna Miguna is so empty such that the only thing he can think and talk about is Raila instead of thinking of how to develope himself finacially now that he is jobless, he said Raila is a billionaire, he is rich. it looks so stupid just talking about someone who doesn't even care about what u talking about, Raila knows that miguna is a mad man with clothes. if u comment on a mad man's nonsense u will be the mad man first class. Miguna is a bitter man he lost a job and now jobless his heart still aches. no one can give him a job in Kenya he has no ethics and has proved it beyond reasonable doubt.

  5. Why Miguna is thinking like a kid who demands r/pop daily. This man is mad about Raila.

  6. Why Miguna is thinking like a kid who demands r/pop daily. This man is mad about Raila.

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