VERA SIDIKA Reveals To Have Spent Sh.1M On A CHAMPAGNE Bottle And Shows Off Huge Chunk Of MONEY

Looks like its Vee's day,the bootyful queen has made an admission that she spent one million bob on a champagne bottle at a five star club in Nigeria,maybe you didn't get it right,she spent sh.1,000,000 on a champagne bottle just for a night just to prove how rich she is.

She boasts of being young and rich and living for the moment as you never know what would happen the next day. This comes after she admitted to having spent sh.450,000 on her weave only,but as a sign to shut the doubting Thomases,she posted the above photo holding and handling huge chunk of cash just showing off. And by the looks,that's obviously above a Milli,this girl is rich or is it otherwise. Would you spend 1 Milli on champagne.


  1. now dat i hold my bosses money n pose wit it wen she aint around does it makes it mine..!

  2. 1m naira or kes?

  3. Am proud of her and men are so jealous because she is more ahead than them.,...guys we ladies make more cash than you so just shut up
