Classic Fms TINA KAGGIA Beats Up Her Husband J.B MASANDUKU

The freshly new weeds seem to have gotten over with their honeymoon way too soon. After a secret weeding at the AG Chambers,the smiling faces and happy moments have been replaced with anger and tears.

Word on the streets have it that on Monday at Nairobi club Bavaria,the radio presenter after a bitter exchange with the husband whom she went out with taking drinks,engaged in a fight. Fight is the wrong word,she supposedly beat the life out of the thin comedian who together with DJ Soxxy,Eric Omondi and Kemboi registered for fatpossible,looks like he really needed it.

According to Nick Ndenda an actor and radio presenter as well,he was forced to separate the two before the fight could get escalated,apparently J.B had vowed not to be treated in public the same way she treats him at home. Baying for her blood,the comedian was held back and fight separated by Nick.

Its said this not the first time this has happened but the lad has been receiving some "action" sadly not conjugal and that's in the public,what happens when they are alone at home is open for debate. Apparently in one of their fights,he removed the wedding ring and threw it at her in the city centre.


  1. Learn to credit your sources. Ghafla! is not "Word on the Street"!

  2. kindly go back to class and study about what is supposed to be written or not

  3. Mwanaume ni kuvumilia jb

  4. Ai admin weeding tena kwani walkua kwa shamba

  5. Si aende gym ama anunue dumbbells

  6. Si aende gym ama anunue dumbbells

  7. that lady sounds like a real husband butcher on air. Dear J.B run for yo dear life!

  8. jb wacha ufala ukikubali kuchapwa badilisha jina, ukmbani hatuchapagwi.

  9. WTF is weeding???
