Friends And Family Members Pays Emotional Tribute To Paul Walker

As the world slowly comes into terms with the untimely death of fast and furious star,friends and families continue to outlay there reactions to the disastrous news. Top on the list is the late actors daughter Meadows

A special match in line to his love for speed cars also was displayed Co actor and friend Tyres visited the actor's death and crash scene,didn't utter a word but only broke into heavy tears

1 comment:

  1. And as IT IS appointed unto men ONCE to DIE, but after this the JUDGEMENT: So CHRIST was ONCE OFFERED to bear the sins of MANY; and UNTO THEM that LOOK FOR HIM shall HE APPEAR the SECOND time WITHOUT SIN unto SALVATION.HEBREWS9:27-28 Time Is Over-Let Us Repent And Prepare The Way For The Coming Of The MESSIAH IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS
