KIDERO Humiliates RAILA At The Governors Ball Causing An Outrage Amongst Supporters

Wednesday night Nairobi governor hosted top country leadership,the president and deputy and treated them to a party to mark the 100th birthday of the city. Same night Kenya turned 50.

Amongst the guests invited for the ball included former PM Raila Odinga. Like any other story,there's always behind scenes,it's now emerging that the CORD leader was not accorded due treatment. According to sources who were in attendance,Raila arrived and unlike other VIPs he was not received with Kidero and it was the quick intervention of CORD affiliated county assembly members who rushed in to save the face escorting Raila to the ballroom.

But the disorganization continued,he didn't have a seat reserved on his name forcing him to be fixed in a seat amongst the County Assembly Members. 30 minutes into the programme,Kidero's aides noticed the blunder and by then there were only 6 seats at the high table reserved for President,Deputy,Kidero and their spouses. In a quick move to save face,a seat was quickly fixed for Raila at the high table squeezing him to seat at the furthest end between Kidero and wife.

But all was still not well,Raila'd name despite being a dignitary in his own respect,had his name missing from the scheduled speakers for the night. It's said this prompted his immature walkout from ball.

Former Nairobi mayor protested against the treatment given to Raila,"This is an act of humiliation,how do you invite a person of Raila stature and fail to reserve him a seat,what was Kidero trying to show This man was a former prime minister of this country and should be treated with all the respect he deserves,what happened here tonight is shameful" said angry Aladwa.

When contacted with a local daily,Kidero dismissed the claims and in a "gubernatorial slap" style of operation defended himself saying him and his wife jointly received the PM when he arrived at KICC the event's venue,he went ahead to clear the air that him and Raila doesn't have a bad blood and the supposed beef is creation of media.

Still keeping with the CORDeshians,a lot of infighting has been speculated with CORD supporters accused of working with the "enemies" to humiliate the party leader. Last week Kidero was supposed to accompany Raila to the open the new Makadara railways station but didn't attend instead sent his deputy to represent,on the other end he chose to accompany Uhuru to the national theatre.

The Wednesday incident has failed to go well with Raila supporters with expected outrage emanating," It does not matter who receives Raila Odinga at any occasion, he is a man of the people and can be
received by anyone but to have NO seat reserved for him even after being invited is an EMBARRASSMENT beyond description. Did you invite him to KICC to show him that you are the
governor, Ruto the deputy and Uhuru the president?" Laments Lameck Bosire a CORD supporter.

Though Kidero said Raila walked out of the party halfway to see off a friend at the airport,close aides of the PM thinks otherwise,"he staged a diplomatic walkout,the levels of humiliation he was put through for lack of better word,overwhelming! He did not see any reason of sitting there after all the programme did not seem like he was needed" said the aide.

"Why was kidero inviting Raila for a party then not reserving a seat for him? Kidero has join the bandwagon of people humiliating Raila" An MCA was overheard saying.

This incident adds to the many in public domain hinting at a bad blood between the PM and the governor,however Kidero is expected to join Raila at a function in Kisumu today


  1. Well Kidero is a perpetual liar....
    feeling bad for Rao,tough times baba!


  3. Seriously,am dissapointed in my best governor of all times he shouldnt have invited him at all if this wat was he had staged for him

  4. How true is this story?Anyway I expect anything from NE.

  5. You will never see the Governer seat again. This is your first and last. No matter how good your perfomance is, enjoy the only 5 years you'll ever have in power!
