As the world mourns and celebrates the death and life of the late Nelson Mandela who is largely seen and taken as a freedom fighter,noble personality and a hero to the world,one person doesn't seem to share the same feeling and ideology.

Political scientist in Kenya MutahiNgunyi thinks otherwise on Mandela's heroism attributes,recently he even compared Mandela to Zimbabweans Mugabe, "On Mandela and Mugabe, who is the authentic African Hero? Is one Martin Luther King and the other Malcolm X? Mandela is over-rated blindly." Claimed Ngunyi.

While sticking to his argument,Ngunyi argues that Mandela was a non existent hero and like superman he was just an elusion," Mandela is a hero created by the west." Continued Mutahi. As Kenya marked it's 50th birthday the political scientist slammed at Kenyans for blindly celebrating Madiba and he went ahead to mention those he thinks are the legitimate heroes,"Kenyans, celebrate him blindly this 50th. Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, TJ Mboya the real heroes." Concluded Ngunyi.


  1. I support you on these, Patrice Lumumba, Samora Machel, Kwame Nkrumah, Robert Mugabe, Nyerere, this are the heroes you will never hear about since they do align with the west

    1. I support him on this one, Patrice Lumumba, Samora Machel, Kwame Nkrumah, Robert Mugabe and Julius Nyerere. These are the heroes you will never hear about since they never aligned with the west, just like Castro, Guevara and Chavez in Latin America.

      I had to correct the grammatical mistakes. You do not mention such great people, then go ahead and make some silly grammatical mistakes. Great respect is what they deserve.

