SHOCKING: Photos Of Nairobi GAYS Christmas Orgy Party Leaked

On the eve of Christmas,the world was ushering in the new born baby Jesus but as you are about to find out,some Nairobi boys were ushering in some other things. As we get to learn,the s3x orgy organised by the association of Nairobi gays was held at an apartment in a secret location in the leafy suburbs of the city.

This apparently was their way of celebrating the birth of Jesus. The figures of gays in Kenya has been on a steady rise despite it being illegal. Recent research figures indicates that for every ten men in Nairobi 3 are either gay or have gay tendencies.

Despite homosexuality being illegal in the country,the community have had an ample time compared to other neighbouring countries like Zimbabwe or Uganda where there are stiff anti homosexuality laws including death and life imprisonment sentences.

You celebrated Christmas your own way they celebrated it with unlimited booze,weed and s3x.


  1. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I know one of the guys in the photos. He's straight and wasn't in Nairobi on Christmas Eve or anytime around christmas. Fake, fake fake

  2. why you go lie to us like this?! av seen these pics before. Shame on you!!!!

  3. A fro cinema continued

  4. Be original in your stories n stop fooling people....y'all should look for popularity in much better ways...shame!!!!

  5. siku hizi uko down de founding father wA Nairobi exposed alienda retire nini? If nt copying ni ku-post vitu haziko

  6. Ati orgy, there's nothing about that in these photos. Jipeni kazi. These are peoples lives you are ruining. Have some humanity.

  7. Pictures are from different locations but the guys are gays...Am gay and I know all of them...I can name them all.
