We Will Rule You For The Next 20 Years UHURU KENYATTA Says Of Him And RUTO To Kenyans

To calm down the storm,Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto organised s rift valley tour meant to address loud debate and speculated rift within jubilee between the URP and TNA.

As a measure of crisis management a public rally was today held in Eldoret and as expected ICC topic which has been a contentious issue took toll of the meeting with nearly all local leaders led by rebel Keter called for the president to fire those within the government claimed to have fixed the deputy president.

However,Ruto and Uhuru seemed to have been reading from the same script firing the rebel politicians saying they are being used by forces who have allegedly missed out on government tenders to cause chaos in the government,"if you are.a businessman and failed to secure a tender don't walk around making noise and trying to cause trouble in the government,take your troubles elsewhere" stated Ruto.

The president didn't mince his words taking the opportunity to send a political statement to the politicians and country as  well,"you cannot school us on how to govern the country who to hire and fire,if you want that then wait for ten years I get over with my term and Ruto to take over and get through with his ten years too then you can do things the way you want but for now no" said the fiery Uhuru.

The statement has sparked mixed feelings and reactions from Kenyans with many reading the president's words as insult to the democracy of the land,"how does the president of a democratic country stand on a national TV and announce that they will rule for the next 20 years,have they decided that no matter the course they'll rule for next 2 decades?" Questioned Stella Marsha on Facebook,"Is Uhuru turning Kenya into a Zimbabwe or Uganda where the presidents decide on how long they stay in power and no elections needed" posed Mike Wamalwa. "Uhuru's words today are insulting to the democracy and glittering with dictatorship,we are trapped for real f©#$@& up at 50,I mourn for Kenya" posted Ahmed Abdi on Facebook.

What Comment do you hold on the president's statement to the country today


  1. to be prcise nobody knows tomorrow.by saying u will rule for 20 yrs which we are not denying,its like u are equating urself with God who know ones lifespan

    1. Its only God who knows about tomorrow.

  2. he his being an honest politician by expressing what he wants where others hide.

  3. Thats just a political statement and those having jitters over such statements are simply partisan.

    All politicians use such statements as a show of confidence to what they stand for.

    Thats why you saw people putting up banners proclaiming this zone or thos area is a xyz zone.

    Does it mean the loyalty cant shift tomorrow. .. definitely loyalties do shift but making a statement like this is a Cord Zone is in order in pilical terms.

    Have a Political Day
