Just after coming back to exams from an indefinite holiday last year that was prompted by the days of protests that would see two students lose their lives,the UoN comrades are back in town and on top to the exams fever,there's yet another biting fever.

Bedbugs have invaded the major halls with nearly all mattresses infested with the parasites. According to results gathered by NE,hall 9,10,11 better known as Muthaiga as well as hall 3 have been greatly affected with students now forced to spend sleepless nights while dealing with the merciless bedbugs.

One BA student residing in hall 9 lamented his case to Nairobi Exposed while doing the round up check,"these bedbugs are just now too much,exams are on the other hand eating our brains and these things here eating our body,we can't even bring in our girlfriends in these beds and have a good time it's either now SME address this issue or will address it the comrades way." Same sentiments were echoed by students interviewed across all the other affected halls.

The spread is suspected to have been motivated by the fact that when the college was closed all the mattresses were stored under same roof,this easily facilitated breeding,multiplication and spread of the bedbugs to many who previously had not been affected.

The students while still awaiting for disinfection from the administration,are now forced to dig into their own pockets to purchase pesticides in case one wants peace in bed.


  1. I can provide the service... Am a pest control technician.

