Looks like the Nairobi county's top leadership are headed for a bruising court battle this is after the deadline of out of court settlement given by the high court elapsed today.

Governor Evans Kidero and women rep Shebesh could now be charged with assault and public disturbance after being unable to reach an out-of-court settlement.

Justice Isaac Lenaola now orders that Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero and Shebesh be charged after failing to reconcile. Faced with a possible arrest Governor Kidero moved in quickly and obtained an order blocking his arrest, moments after DPP was given green light to charge him for assault.

Both parties failed to reach a consensus with Shebesh who has a lesser magnitude crime of causing disturbance opting for court compared to Kidero's heavy assault charge for slapping the county women rep.last year.

Its also said Shebesh has placed a sh.100m demand on Kidero if out of court deal is to work. Yes you red that right Shebesh demands for Kidero to pay her 100,000,000 Kenyan money or let's meet in court


  1. tis is insane 100m!!!!

  2. The magnitude of that slap warrants the 100M! As the proverb says hell knows no fury like a woman scorned! Next tym atafanya mahesabu before slapping a woman

  3. good enough!!! so that the men who r still not controlled and have the nerve to whip women can think twice before swinging kideros way!!! there r a million and civilised way to deal with issues!!!

  4. forever golddiggas, money buy anything, even mike sonko can prove that #lungula.

  5. give her wicked that's what she wants nothing much

