Orgasm is a rare commodity that every woman wish they can have on daily unfortunately not all are lucky. However a 31year old British lady named Liz got fortunate and unlucky at the same time. According to The Stir, Liz and her boyfriend Eric of African-British decent had their first encounter and things seemed all okay.

One hour passed,she was up in cloud nine,the second hour and it was still on,third hour and it was getting more intense with no signs of ending. The pleasure turned out to fear,something was obviously not right. The orgasm lasted longer than a series of these soap operas. Shaking and giving out orgasmic sounds,the boyfriend rushed her to the hospital.

In the hospital things were awkward at first,the nurses thought she was in labour going by the sounds she was making. She was subjected to ER and poof,the storm came to an end giving her a relief. If there's anyone more scared of having orgasm then it must be Liz. " "I started hopping up and down to see if that
would do anything. I started trying to drink wine to see if that would calm down my system. I tried just about every possible thing I could do to stop having an orgasm
Nothing worked." Said Liz.

Doctors previously used orgasm to treat hysteria in women and this is why vibrators were invented to drive women into orgasm for the treatment. What seemed fun to the new lovers and started in the bedroom,unfortunately ended up in the hospital. Would they still have intercourse again? I don't know but the pain of birth won't stop a woman from getting pregnant again.

Have you ever had such a long orgasm


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