From the onset this supposed relationship had all the indications that it was being faked and a publicity stunt especially for the rapper,fellow musicians like Nyota Ndogo slammed at Mustafa for his cheap stunt. True to its intentions,he has been up and down in all media outlets talking about their relationship. However like a time bomb,the cat has been let out of the bucket by the player Huddah herself who exposed the deal made by BuaArt photography,truth of the matter is there was never a relationship between the two,the closest he got to her was at the photo set,she took to her twitter to expose and embarrass him. She exploded after photos emerged of Mustafa making out with some other unknown chic making headlines that he was cheating on Huddah


  1. this huddah thing gets on my nerves, a piece of shit who cant answer a simple quiz "who is Huddah" had the guts to take on Prezzo and now Mustafa. kwani ana makende??

