The information is still scarce but Kevin Provoke,Wangechi's manager has made a brief confirmation that the quickly uprising rapper known for her phenomenal verse on Rabbit's all stars Ligi Soo remix is currently fighting for her life in the ICU following a car accident.

The wreckage photos showing the magnitude of the accident.


  1. Oh Lord have mercy.

  2. Get well soon my dear

  3. This is sad.. however I'm willing to place a bet that this was straight from drink driving. The car rolled, no signs of impact with anything else.. so either they swerved to avoid something or they were drink driving and fucked themselves up. Now people should see why Alcoblow is here to HELP us rather than limit us.

    Nevertheless, I knew Wangechi, she was a nice person.. I hope she survives...

  4. One gal died...God is real...atamsaidia n fr the gal hu dyd r.i.p

  5. May God help you

  6. Lord grant her ur mercy

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  8. First i would like to wish them a quick recovery, second I'd like to correct this person who comment that it's drink driving, it's not drink driving, it's drunk driving further more they didn't fuck themselves, you are the one who is fucked up! Reason being you were not drinking together with them to say that they were drink driving!

