The citizen TV's host has been a subject for a week owing to her comments on a shocking feature aired by citizen where it was revealed how women in Awasi are forced to sleep with fishermen in exchange for clean water.

Julie in her remark said its sad how women are forced to undergo all that ,with HIV prevalence skyrocketing in the region while local leaders are busy concentrating on less important issues like collecting referendum signatures. A statement that didn't go well with political demigods sparking a slanderous online attack on the presenter

Julie has since come out defensive on the matter;
" Greetings good people

On ‪#‎SundayLive‬ we featured a story on women in Awasi facing very difficult circumstances, sent in by our correspondent in Kisumu. As a result of airing this shocking story of the struggle & abuse of women seeking water we have come under attack by deceitful political bullies.

When stories have impact & raise leadership questions they cause jitters... We must be less concerned with the jitters of the few & focus on solutions for the people. The focus now should be on urgent action from leadership and security agencies to address this issue, not tribal online bullying for no comprehensible reason. This tactless bullying campaign diverts attention from those who bear responsibility for solving this crisis, which must be addressed.

To those spewing vile, pls work towards using your influence with leaders to ensure sustainable change for the people of Awasi. Be a blessing. I will always have love/respect for all. I pray that those who deceive & destroy also find this same spirit. His Grace is sufficient

Most importantly good people, take a moment to say a prayer for the women facing this difficult situation. They have a right to safety & water.

Do good. Be a blessing " She posts.

What do you think about JULIE comment on the Luo women.


  1. She is cool the leaders follow raila like. Sheep.

  2. Leaders shld do there part,since te media thro julie has done its part..

  3. Well done Julie, you did your part and the truth hurts.

  4. julie raila is fighting for more kenyans by collecting the signatures

  5. You did your part yes but u streched too far. Not everything in Luoland shld relate to politics and Raila. You were being a normal paranoid steriotyped Kikuyu with your Raila Luo hate religion infact its a demonic tribal sect that our brothers in central are in . Your demonic doctrine is hate raila and luos with all your heart n strength but dish your pussies to them for money coz they r generouse. WACHA Ukabila wewe those stupid ppl of Awasi never did that coz of refferendum. Why havnt you stoped wrking at the RMS to go n help young men wallowing in buzz in central if everyone has to stop watever they r doing coz some useless folk are within like the motherfuckers in Awasi?

