Kilifi County Amiddle-aged man yesterday shocked family and friends in kilifi county when he decided to fulfil a wedding promise to his late wife. Kiti Mwangudza Chilango stunned mourners when he turned at the burial of his wife dressed up in a flashy suit and stood next to the deceased’s casket with his bridal party” that had the best couple, maids, page boys and flower girls, the same way it happens in areal wedding.

He went a head to cut a wedding cake which he shared amongst the family members and other mourners before the body was taken to the grave yard. It is a promise Chilango made to his wife five years ago when the got married. “ My late wife’s wish was for me to give her the honour of a weeding. I made a promise to my late wife and i am fulfilling it now,” Chilango told mourners in kadzinuni village, kikambala division.

Mbeyu Mbura, a close friend to the deceased, said the couple had traditional wedding but the wife had always been pressing for a church wedding.

Mbeyu said the deceased who had been ailing had made her husband swear to honour her with a wedding whether she’s dead or alive

