NAUGHTY: Kilimani Moms Gives SECRET Weapons They Use To Keep Their Husbands Happy And Addicted Kwa KITANDA

Keeping the flame blazing in the matrimonial room has been the core of discussions with counselors arguing its a core component in a marriage success.

Here's some of the naughty secrets shared by the Kilimani moms shared on their Facebook group.

Everlyn: morning glory starting with a surprise blow job works for me.

Eunice: Doing kegels exercise everyday to make sure my avacondo is very tight, being clean , keeping my bedroom very clean and tidy, respect , complimenting him on small things he does 4 me , saying thank you and I'm sorry, and lastly goood food.

May: Mimi I buy flowers and decorate my bedroom...but first I start by cooking

Amina: Mtashinda hapo!!!!! Waiting for your men to bring all money home!! Someone will treat you well the day you start treating yourself well you have the same power to make the same or more money that he makes its never all about money and sex.

Kate: Awesome explosive s*x, fantastic s*x, respect, good food, calm clean home environment. Did I say good s*x? However, this is general because men are different. A man should say what he likes or the wife can find out from him.

Ruth: My cooking and entertaining him esp in bed.....e.g one day i told when making love that missionary is a no no and that we should try out new styles...i didn't know that really exited him and so before he comes home he calls to confirm....which style are we having today darling....i know he loves that.

Lynn: Wearing something sexy and cook good food ooh yeah and no nagging works every time for me.

Julie: I just tell him i love him and he's my soulmate and he's the best thing that ever happened to me and my life would be so tragic if i hadn't met him and oh i am the luckiest woman in the world. Then we have great s*x. That's on day one. The next day i turn around and cuss him out and i am like wtf what was i thinking when i married you. Then he be like darling what can i do to make you feel better.'s a delicate balance of stroking his ego and asserting my independence si that i am not entirely dependent.

Lucky: I have a special name for his wee wee and whenever i need him to go bananas i just call and start praising him. Believe me this has never let me down especially when MIL is around

Mary: I don't cook sorry but I give him my best in bed and if he's lucky I'll surprise with blow jobs that way cash flows


  1. Waambieni wajue

  2. Dog style ur huspnd will never go outside

  3. well this is at least good but all women must know that men cannot love them coz of sex but great respect.if u capitalize on sex what of when you are sick or away ?show ur man respect smilly faces comfort him when down and always avoid blaming him for failures but correct and encourage him n you will see

    1. Anonymous at 6:10 All men need something something. Try kumyima and see what will happen. You cannot separate sex and love

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