How An Imposter Is Using Julie Gichuru's Facebook Account To Con Others

" hello admin,
chances are you won't believe me, but I'll tell you anyway. I work in media house. I want to take an idea to citizen tv so I found Julie gichuru who's my friend on fb n wen I asked her for help she asked me to give her 45, 000 under the masking of her charitable organization in Nairobi.  I didn't believe it n the people I've told don't either.  I came to you because I want you to get me her phone number so that I can confirm if she would do that. I DO NOT want you to expose her just help me get her contact info so that I can do a proper investigation and if it turns out to be true THEN u can expose her.
help me get her cellphone number n dont post this.  I want to b 200% sure b4 telling anyone" T
Those were the opening words of our informant,to be sure if these claims,i instructed him to forward me the detailed chat they had with Julie Gichuru and here we go;

hello Julie, i have an idea tht is
bound to work. may i share it with u?
Jun 3

Julie Gichuru
please do
Jun 3 · Sent from Web

ever heard of the new program in kbc
called abled different? it airs on
Sunday @ 6pm
Jun 3

Julie Gichuru
yes i have.... what about it
Jun 3 · Sent from Web

i want to do a better job @ citizen by
doing a better program  i was wondering if
u cld help me with starting my
original idea on citizen t.v.
i can assure u once u see my idea u
won't b disappointed. all. i need is a
chance to prove myself n my idea

Julie Gichuru
Jun 3 · Sent from Web

Jun 3

Julie Gichuru
if you donated to my charity
organisation that helps the needy in
the slums... i will most definitely
help you get a spot on CITIZEN
Jun 3 · Sent from Chat

wots the name of ur organization n
how can i help? give me ur phone
number if u dnt mind
Jun 3

Julie Gichuru
the julie gichuru foundation... ITS A
charity organisation that has
edneavoured to help the needy in
society during these tough economic
times.. so we do provide basic
necessities like food , clothing , fees
to the bright needy students and
shelter where its needed... our
impact is mainly felt in the mukuru ,
kibera and mathare slums.. so we are
in desperate need of donors.. so if
you donated like 45k then definitely i
will play my part and hook you up
with a lucrative spot at citizen tv
where you will get a chance to
relaunch your programme
Jun 4 · Sent from Web

wow thats amazing. money is a bit of
an issue for me give me ur cell
Jun 4 · Seen Jun 8

After seeing he had financial problems she went silent and upto the times info was getting to Nairobi Exposed,there wasn't any communication between them so we brewed up a plan,he had to inbox her that she has the money now and ready to send her. We were determined to get deeper;

"hey good news i got the cash. wea n
who do i send it to?
Yesterday at 7:03pm

Julie Gichuru
how much did you manage to raise
4 hours ago · Sent from Web

4 hours ago · Seen 2:32pm

Julie Gichuru
the organisation has set up a
SAFARICOM MPESA line through
which kenyans of all walks of life can
send in their donations and help
alleviate the suffering in the slums
4 hours ago · Sent from Web
Julie Gichuru
please do send me your cv and
programme production experience at
3 hours ago · Sent from Web

sawa anything else
2 hours ago

Julie Gichuru
WHEN will you be ready to donate?"
here's the number admin
thanks... the organisation's finance
MPESA number is 0705060919... i
have already informed the
organisation's finance director MR
LEVY WAKHO of the transaction.. so
once you do send your donations...
he will inform me immediately
Yesterday at 7:07am · Sent from Web

Julie Gichuru
still awaiting your television
production resume
And at this point we I felt we had gathered more than enough. In this time of era you can never rule out cases of impersonations so I reached out for Julie on her OFFICIAL twitter page with intentions of sending her the details and get her reaction and if its at true she is the one asking for the favors and operating that account. However,despite all our attempts we haven't managed to get any word from her ever since we communicated this to her.

Back to the Facebook inbox chat with our informant,there seemed to be a shift of heart on th other side of the world;

Julie Gichuru
enjoy your day
where can i access the recent clips of
40 minutes ago · Sent from Chat

I sent the cv check ur mail. about the
clips I dnt know because the
producer controls everything n never
tells me
26 minutes ago

Julie Gichuru
i thought in this day and age ... the
right way to go would be to upload
some of the recent episodes on
25 minutes ago · Seen 9:35am · Sent
from Chat

Well, I thought so too. I also thought
that producers r meant to take young
journalist n mentor them. Hold their
hand and all that, but conmen n
women r everywhere
21 minutes ago

Julie Gichuru
well from reading your profile .. i
thought that you are an editor . coz i thought that editors do
have a say on the final product
19 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Julie Gichuru
i never knew that you are an
upcoming producer who is yet to get
a foothold in the industry
16 minutes ago · Sent from Chat

Julie Gichuru
when it comes to celebrities there
are guys out there who are out to
tarnish our names and make a
profit.. so i perfectly understand your
doubts and know where you are
coming from.. so it would be best if
you dont send any donations coz it
aint right to go ahead with what your
heart has doubts on..
14 minutes ago · Sent from Web

but there aren't any doubts
11 minutes ago

Julie Gichuru
all the best in your endeavours and
am quite sure that with time...your
work and talent will shine through
and most importantly you will make
it in your chosen field
10 minutes ago · Sent from Chat

For unclear reasons she cut off the deal even after our informant agreed to go ahead with the payment. And for all the doubters,the Julie Gichuru page in question the link is here
However,we have also learnt through Julie Gichuru's official twitter that her official Facebook fanpage is,here
The question as to wether its the real Julie Gichuru behind all these or just an imposter we leave that ope

1 comment:

  1. had about Julie complaining of hackers getting into her account and exploiting people cash.
