<p>Sect in layman's language is an illegal group,outlawed that is formed by similar heads of the school thoughts,mostly does illegal dealings. One of the most feared and cold sects to ever exist in Kenya is the Mungiki,they extort citizens and have been mentioned in chilling murders. A university is a place for intellectuals with sober minds atleast thats what's expected. However its emerging that there is a sect consisting of number of students running a cult harassing students.</p>
<p>Nairobi Exposed has exclusively done a background check up to unearth how this group operates and the grip they hold. This was a risk taking ordeal as most students were shying away from commenting fearing victimization. It has taken few Weeks to dig deep into this. First,the sect calls itself PDF(Prefabs Defence Force) and is fully operational. They hide under the pretence of safeguarding the interest of the students whilst exists SONU which is the official students body. Though not clear but as of information gathered by NE some of the big heads mentioned to be championing this organization are simply identified as OCS, Cili,Stitches who happens to be students at the institution.</p>
<p>The group boasts of being the control machines of the school and they decide what to and not to happen. They operate by extortion of funds. NE learns and reveals that this group collects a certain amount of money from the shops and kiosks established within the school's premises,if you fail to pay you get looted and booted. Matter of fact for you to establish a business in the compound you must sought their consent and approval,which you also do by parting with a few bank notes.<br>
Apart from the shops any other small businesses going about in the hostels are all within their radar.</p>
<p>Available for hire to cause mayhem.</p>
<p>If you have realised during the common strikes and custom stone throwing at pedestrians along the waiyaki highway which is the university's adjacent,its always a small group of students protesting and causing mayhem. Figures puts the stats of entire UoN at above 60k students yet the ever protesting students never reaches 1k if at its biggest. Nairobi Exposed is reliably informed that the group through its leaders are approached in the event of the need to cause a mayhem,here money exchanges hands,alcohol is bought and mobilization conducted. Within no time the charged crowd hits the roads. 99.9% of those who protests are always drunk connect the dots,that's why they end up punishing wrong parties vandalizing their cars.</p>
<p>Approval of candidature and controlling the campaigns</p>
<p>SONU elections are ever charged infact its close to the national elections,its always done in the presidential style with car convoys,"untying the youths" and all. The chairmanship is highly profiled as its a spring intothe national political arena,most of those who have been chairmen have ended up in big political offices,example,James Orengo,Kabando WA Kabando amongst others. The SONU elections is always full of glamour&nbsp; but unknown to many behind scenes alot goes on. Before any vying candidate puts up his own campaign poster,the PDF have to approve and give you a go ahead,by approving you must pay them to have your posters erected up,if you defy and goes ahead to put thi up,they will pull them down,it has happened severally.

Events extortion

Any event that happens in the school they must be incorporated and given their share,according to stats gathered by NE,they demand a 30% cut off the total budget of the event. Normally,a faculty will organise s function and get sponsors to finance the project,so PDF will demand 30% of what you were given in order to let it run,they always have the figures right. If you defy and still opt to go ahead,they will disrupt the function. Recently KTN fell a victim,the school of journalism had invited the str8up team to air a live show from the graduation square but the faculty didn't sort out the PDF,they stormed in the venue when the crew were setting up and getting ready to go on air. Everything came to an hault,PDF demanded to be paid sh.30,000 if they wanted the show to go on,failure to which no show will be held. They even threatened to vandalize the equipments should KTN defy their orders and fail to pay. Asked as to why they needed the money they simply put it as giving extra security,this is despite the fact that the school hasit's own set of security officers. Not pleased,the KTN crew called off the show and went away.

Other than the mentioned what other illegal activities are they up to,does the administration know about it and what they aredoing about it? The explosive expose continues exclusively on Nairobi Exposed


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