Trouble started almost immediately after the declaration,Kenyans didn't take it lightly and trolled the choice of Miss world Kenya,Wangui Gitonga as being a bad choice as compared to her predecessor Shamim Nabil. Did anything get wrong or was everything just okay? We went behind scenes and got hold of an insider who is a close source to the panel and well acquitted with the whole process and knew all that went on behind the scenes. Talking exclusively to Nairobi Exposed,the source spilled the beans and exposed all that was going on behind scenes.


Judging from the audition, one could tell the entire process was not fair and a mess . Kenya has a number beautiful ladies, very attractive indeed . But they were, either denied chances to show up or prove themselves. Audition were only done in three cities, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. Is that the whole Kenya or even a third Kenya? You need to learn how audition are being done in other countries I believe the audition judges were so unfair and Moody. Take for example, Dorothy Oliech, she was pregnant by then. What the h*ll, you all know what pregnant women attitudes are especially to their fellow ladies more so if the ladies are beautiful. Dorothy runs a modeling agency called Mochez. Those who have worked with her, have always complained of her favourism. They will tell you who she is. Well, Odada Okello, former Mr. Kenya in a panel of beautiful girls? You got to be kidding me. I am Not a hater, he is good but the Criteria of choosing miss Kenya was far much different from that of Mr.Kenya. In fact, you can't even compare and contrast.

Miss World Kenya 2013

Judging from this list of the Top 10 finalist;

•Wangoi Gitonga
•Leah Tesfermariam
•Sofia Umuiza
•Alice Mutuli
•Yvonne Amondi
•Ubah Musa
•Tabitha Maina
•Purity Kadhure
•Janet Tianda
•Paynnet Nyawara

1st runners up, has Ethiopian identity 2nd runners up is a Rwandese Taita born and imagine they are competing for Miss Kenya.

Miss Kenya organizer are a let down. Terry the C.E.O Ashley and Franchise holder Miss Kenya needs to think twice. She has been influencing judges to abide by her own decision. This is killing the entire competition. The final judges,damn,that was still a mess. It is beauty by purpose not beauty by wish or command. I remember when Susan Anyango became miss Kenya, Terry didn't like it but trust me,the judges were super. By then, Nestle who were the main sponsors, had to flew in judges from outside including former Miss India.Terry ended up giving, the car for Miss Kenya to 1 st runners up for two weeks, something which made Nestle the main Sponsor to pull out. Take a look who were this year's Judges, common people you know, and friends to the C.E.O. what do you expect if they go against The Boss' will? Judges including, Noni Gathoni, hahaha.from wedding show to miss Kenya Judge, damn it. Sally From AFAD, Reeny, Odada Okelo, and Francis.where is Former miss Miss Kenya,? You decided to put her back stage instead of her being on the panel.

Choreography done by Tony was good, you did your job, Doesn't matter who to be trained . In summary, this year Miss Kenya representative, really shocked, the entire country. Let's expect more of disappointment to come this August at Indonesia.

RECOMMENDATIONS - Audition need to be done in the entire country not only in 3 cities, it's their(girls ) rights to be auditioned

- Don't take a pregnant woman who are almost giving birth to be on the judging panel. Pregnant women have issues with beauty!

-Final judges, at least get some from outside Kenya.

- The Organizers,especially madam C.E.O let it be unknown, and let the judges do their own job.

- confirm with the girls their true identity. The competition is Miss Kenya not Miss Eastern Africa .


  1. As usual admin you always have to say something stupid!!!
    That a pregnant woman " has a problem with seeing beauty"??!!!
    Admin uko down kama sole ya kiatu

  2. hope de wont mess wid me in tpf

  3. Women av issues

  4. @ Makena, ai kwani ni siri? PG women have the worst mood swings eva

  5. No offence but the chic who won is way too far from being pretty..we can do way much better..and judges should switch on lights when choosing Miss Kenya

  6. Whoever is the admin of this site is a moron. Your English is that of a class 2 toi. Go back to school or get a frontal lobe lobotomy. Uko down kabisa

