After Weeks of rumours that the voluptuous TV anchor is pregnant,the truth has been confirmed. Tuesday night while anchoring the evening's prime time news alongside Co host Ben Kitili,she admitted live on air to being pregnant.

She was echoing a piece on pregnancy when she uttered the words "...expectant women like me..." Words that clearly put the rumours into a confirmation.

In the recent times unlike other times when she could do stand up presentation,she has resorted to sitting behind the anchoring desk shielding the reality from the public but now we know.

Congrats to the expectant mummy


  1. Aww.that's sweet.. NEED A BABY!!

  2. What's wrong with it? Do you post here whenever your mama is pregnant?

  3. What's wrong with it? Do you post here whenever your mama is pregnant?

  4. what a blessing oooh.............

