This stadium has been picked on as one of the venues for the upcoming CECAFA matches and so under the watch of governor Alfred Mutua,it's development has been on high acceleration. Machakos being in a semi arid area is and has been known to be dry and seeing a green grass is alien,however now things have changed,the pitch has been constructed and still ongoing and more amazing is the grass on the pitch,healthy green,thanks to tireless watering and technology. This is what it used to be. And now this is what it has come to be and not yet over still.


  1. now only if they would construct modern stand would be much better

  2. and the job is not yet over we believe that our governor dr mutua will do alot

  3. We need such people in our country, for development and to mentor us the youth. Salute Sir Alfred.

  4. Good Job Mr. Governor, and keep it up! The best leader this nation has seen in ages.

