The People Daily newspaper which is owned by the President Uhuru Kenyatta is currently under fire from the electoral body for false reporting that the CORD leader would be banned from participating in the coming elections or any should he fail to apologise to the commission on the accusations that they were coerced with military to give false result in the last general election.

The statement which RAO gave last week in Kisumu has ignited fierce debate with state officials including Kimemia and leader of majority in parliament Duale demanding for Raila's apologise to the military and the country for his statement. Though he has opted to steer off from the debate,several CORD politicians have insisted that the former PM has nothing to apologise about claiming whatever Raila said was the bare truth.

Reports later emerged alleging that Isaac Hassan the IEBC chair had threatened to lock out Raila from participating in any future election under any post should he fail to issue an apology.

However,there's a new development from the chair himself,distancing himself from the allegations stating that he never issued the statement initially printed by The People.

In a statement issued to the public,IEBC distanced itself from the debate stating:

The IEBC has not said, nor insinuated, that the CORD leader Raila Odinga risked being banned from vying for any post in Kenya in any subsequent elections if he does not recant the allegation that military rigged elections at Bomas of Kenya as reported in today’s The People Daily.

He went further to state that he will take legal actions against the newspaper for false and propaganda motivated reporting.


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