The world is full of crazy people and crazy things. Keyshia,a woman from America in a TV series "my strange addiction" airing on TLC has confessed a really strange addiction.

She can't resist sniffing and chewing on pee soiled diapers. Her addiction as she confesses in the show started two years when she tasted her friend's baby diapers and she got hooked. She estimates to have sniffed and chewed about 25,000 so far and no signs of this going away anytime soon.

"I love it, it just tastes amazing. I have one when I'm cooking in the kitchen, I have one in my drawers, I have one when I'm sleeping, I
keep some in my trunk, I keep some in my pocket book,' she says.

While to you it is disgusting and nauseating,to her its the best thing,'You know when you're walking into a roomand you smell a strong smell like food and you kind of taste it? That's what it's like,' she

In her admission she says the heavier pee soaked and soiled it is,the better. She feeds her addiction by taking used diapers from friends,family and even strangers. Her boyfriend also revealed in the show that at times it gets so bad she goes deep searching in the cabbage.


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