Marines,one of the buses belonging to the Umoinner Sacco fleet this morning at around 8 knocked down a class six pupil at Bidii Primary School along Rabai Road in Nairobi and only a few miles from Mutindwa where one of the buses was involved in a train crash late last year killing tens of passengers.

The pupil a girl,was crossing the road hurrying up to school before the tragedy met her. She was hit by the speeding bus and rushed to the hospital,Metropolitan,with serious injuries.

Her fate is yet to be known as of press time.


  1. @ 7.15 so gets ur facts ryt n bidii primary is really far from mutindwa u just want publicity nkt

    1. Biddi Primary is actually on mtinda you anonymous and i was there so the writer is correct.

  2. and also its Marine,marines ni nini?

  3. Kwani the bus had no number plate

  4. Ummoinner knocks down someone and you quickly mek it THE news. Stop your sensationalism you're just irritating. People get knocked down ALL the time. Eish

  5. look at here now Dolabuy Loewe why not try here Extra resources you can find out more go right here

