If going by the events then the Kenya pastors are ever in silent wars for the supremacy. Bishop Magret Wanjiru and Prophet Owuor have been published as being at war with each other over who is good at perfoming miracles with both reffering to opponents as fake. Speaking of fake,many emerging pastors have been accused of being rogue being more of businessmen than men of God.
These people make shocking statements thst raises curiosity that will kerp attention at them. Last year one prophetess Mary Akatsa claimed to have brought Jesus to Kawangware and led a flock of his followers to welcome "Jesus" who had supposedly returned after 2000+ years.
The ability to prophesy and foretell future events has been their selking points,note that there are those that are genuine. Prophet Owuor is on record for supposefly predicting Westgate mall attack and even recording a statement with the police prior to the attack last year.
Flamboyant and controversial Pastor Wahome of the Helicopter Ministries who recentky made headlines for being beaten by his wife and who is also amongst the few pastors in Kenya who are owning firearms is yet making news again.
He boast of having spiritual powers to heal any disease long as you buy the anointing oil,handkerchief,holy water,see him privately for "free" one on one prayers,panda mbegu and all that goes on.
Pastor Wahome has now claimed yet another "power" and that is by having access to God's eternal life book where only the rightieous are promised when they die.
Wahome says he can find out for anyone if there name is on the eternal life list but only happens at a small fee of Sh.1500. After "checking" your name on the list,should it miss,you are advised to buy certain books at his store and blesding materials frim his store and pray more.
So if you want to find out whether you will be going to hell or heaven when you die,Pastor Wahome can tell you the your 'fate' at Sh.1500 only. Do you believe him?
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